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The Breathe Room


The concept behind The Breath Room is based on the facts that when the world was first formed and
full of plants and trees there was about 35% Oxygen in the air. Over time it has decreased to an
average of 21%. But, at higher altitudes it decreases. Carson City has about 17% Oxygen in the air. So,
how do you increase oxygen? Simple, more plants and trees. Our Breathe room is full of them, plus a
humidifier and air purifier. So, you can just come sit and BREATHE.

Infrared Sauna

These saunas use infrared panels instead of conventional heat to easily penetrate human tissue, heating up your body before heating up the air. An infrared sauna can operate at a lower temperature than a traditional sauna.

Ionic Foot Detox

A high-tech water detoxification system that facilitates the
body’s ability to heal itself. It is a water foot-bath that utilizes steel electrodes, which cleans, balances and enhances bio-energy, a vital force present in the body’s fluids.

Oxygen Bar

Provides a direct and completly pure flow of oxygen to ease headaches or tiredness. 90% of our energy comes from oxygen, and only 10% from food and water. Oxygen is vital to your immune system, memory, thinking and sight.



Infrared Sauna

Ionic Foot Detox


It detoxifies the blood.
Sweating in a sauna causes your blood to flow to the important organs in your body, while sweating out toxins and impurities. Some toxins that should be removed through sauna sessions are heavy metals, nicotine, and certain
industrial compounds (like phthalates).


It improves the immune system. As you sit in a sauna, your core temperature increases, and your body produces white blood cells to compensate the 'mini fever'. With regular use, your white blood cell count can increase, meaning your body can fight illnesses


It improves the circulation.
The heat absorbed by your body increases your blood flow and expands the blood vessels. This lowers your blood
pressure and blood can circulate to your heart more effectively.


It relieves pain.
Not only does regular use of a sauna increase blood circulation, which can relieve and relax muscular pain, it has been proven effective at relieving joint and arthritic pain as well.


It reduces stress.
Use of a sauna reduces the bodys level of cortisol (the primary stress hormone). Regular use can relieve anxiety problems and sleep related issues, such as insomnia, which is often triggered by elevated levels of stress hormones.


It improves cardio conditioning.
Regular use of a sauna can increase your heat tolerance threshold which can benefit your cardiovascular strength
and endurance, as well as strengthening your blood vessels resistance to shear stress.


It assists your muscles with quicker recovery.
The increased heat of a sauna increases the bods circulation, which delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and cells in your body. The increased oxygen can help relieve tired and strained muscles.


It helps with losing weight.
In just one sauna session you can burn up to 600 calories due to the increased heat inside your body. Raising

internal body temperature can increase your metabolism, which can lead to weight loss, although saunas should not
be used exclusively for this purpose.


Healthy weight loss.

Increase your metabolism, reactivate the body’s fat burning mechanism, release the fat cells that hold toxins, reduce cellulite & easily maintain the weight that is correct for you.


Restore and regain health.

Create a stronger immunity for yourself.  Have fewer aches and pains, reduce allergies and flu symptoms, help activate the body’s natural intelligence to heal itself.


Rid your body of dangerous toxins and heavy metals. Eliminate the discomfort, remove heavy metals, chemicals and toxins easily & comfortably from your body.


Strengthened immune system. Feeling good plays a big role in strengthening your immune system, mood, and overall quality of life! The better you feel, the stronger your immune system, and thus your body's defense systems will react better to intruders.


Better sleep quality. Fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. Wake up easier without feeling glued to the bed and gloomy. We spend 26 years of our lives sleeping and 7 years trying to sleep. Sleep is the biggest fighter against health problems and improves your overall quality of life.


Alleviate joint pain. Relax the tissues that cause tension and joint pain. Receive relief of discomfort from sore and aching joints, which are symptoms of arthritis and bursitisPerfect after a long day of work or to get things off your mind!


Clarifying and energizing. Relieve your overworked liver, kidney and spleen of heavy metals and toxins that take toll on your energy and mental clarity.


Natural and simple to use.

A natural method of detoxifying and restoring balance to the body. It's easy to use and safe for everyone. It only takes 18 minutes to see and feel results. We recommend using this a few times a week for a month.

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